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Q&A Coming back to school in Alert Level 2 . . .

Papamoa College —

Is it safe for my child to go to school?
Yes. The public health advice is that schools are a safe place for young people. Young people are less likely to catch and transmit covid19.

What about young people who have a health condition or are described as at risk?
It is still considered safe to send your child to school if they have a health condition, unless they are classed as high-risk. In this case it would be best to consult medical advice.

Why is it safe to be at school?
The school will be following all public health and Ministry of Education directives and advice. This includes: extra daily cleaning throughout the school especially bathrooms, ensuring physical distancing where practical, maintaining good hygiene practices, providing hand sanitiser, keeping sick people away from campus.

What about if someone else who lives in the same house is health compromised?
The public health advice is that children can still go to school as long as they practice good hygiene.

If I am still unsure, can I keep my child at home and have them continue learning online?
No. If the campus is open for instruction, teaching will focus on student learning at school. If students are unwell and they can’t be on campus then teachers will support their learning online.

What about physical distancing? Is it really practical?
We will all attempt to maintain as much physical distance as possible especially with any visitors to campus. Some activities require close contact which is ok - the key will be good hygiene practices before and after the activity. Physical Education will still continue and sporting codes will begin to start up when good protocols have been established and communicated.

Are the students / staff / visitors allowed to hug, kiss, high-five, shake hands etc?
No. Such close contact is not advisable and is not in keeping with Playing it safe.

What if my child gets sick during the day?
We will look after them in the Sick Bay until a parent/caregiver can collect them. Sick children should not be sent to school at the beginning of the day.

As a parent/caregiver am I allowed to walk onto the campus freely?
No. You will have to follow the instructions that are posted outside Reception and register your details upon arrival.

What is the Contact Tracing Register?
It is an accurate record of the names and contact details of any visitors who come onto campus. This information will be very important if any student / staff / visitor has been positively identified with the virus.

Are drinking fountains available for students at school?
Yes. Students need to use drinking fountains with clean hands and not touch any surfaces with their mouths. Students should bring their own water bottles to school if possible.

What will happen if someone at school has been identified as positive with the virus?
Ministry of Health officials will inform us immediately if someone at school has been identified as having the virus. We will then follow their clear processes to close the school for at least 72hrs. The contact tracing register will be very important at this stage to inform those people who may have come into contact with the infected person. We will keep you well informed throughout the whole process.

Will the Campus Cafe (canteen) be open for students?
Yes. The Campus Cafe vendor will be following strict food preparation regulations and students will be required to queue with appropriate physical distancing. We do recommend though that students bring their own food to school when possible.

What about large gatherings? 100+ students in a learning community?Schools with large numbers of students together are not regarded as a gathering. However we are committed to maintain physical distancing as much as possible and the highest possible standards of hygiene. When we group large numbers of students together we will spread them out as much as possible.

Where will the hand sanitisers be?
All over campus. They will be positioned at entrances to learning spaces and at staff offices/workspaces. All personnel will be informed to regularly wash their hands and use hand sanitiser throughout the day.

Is PPE necessary?
No. Wearing PPE is not necessary on campus.

What about sharing equipment? Like school computers - is this safe?Physical Education equipment will be wiped down regularly. Because the school has hundreds of computers and numerous other pieces of equipment that are handled regularly and shared by students and staff, it is impractical to keep wiping down all surfaces. The key is for everyone to always practice good hygiene - washing hands regularly and using hand sanitiser.

Can my child bring their own digital device to school?
Yes absolutely. Now would be a very good time to consider purchasing a personal digital device for your child to use at school. We have information to assist you choose wisely and where to obtain good deals. Go to the school website for information.

Can my child keep using the school digital device that they borrowed during Alert level 3 or the Ministry of Education issued device for their own learning?
Unfortunately no. We will need all borrowed and issued digital devices returned to school on Friday 15 May so they can be cleaned and prepared for use, when everyone returns to school. Thank you for your cooperation here.