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New Staff

Pāpāmoa College —

We welcomed 19 new staff to the school at the beginning of this Term.

A small Pōwhiri was held on Friday 28 January to welcome the newcomers to our Kura. We are excited about the expertise and skills that they will contribute to student learning and also the wider Pāpāmoa College community.

Pictured above: Mr Barry Parkinson (Y7/8 Teacher), Ms Kylie Greer (English Teacher), Ms Rachel Heath (Mathematics Teacher), Mr Lian Soh (Science Teacher), Mr Cameron Ualesi (Mathematics Teacher), Mr Marc Lambert (Science Teacher), Mr Benjamin Jackson (Y7/8 Teacher), Mr Brad Miller (Careers Teacher), Mr Brett Weber (Physical Education Teacher), Mr Luke McFarlane (English Teacher), Mr Tony Richardson (Y7/8 Teacher), Mrs Hayley Crenfeldt (Guidance Counsellor), Miss Rebecca Collins (Y7/8 Teacher), Miss Amelia Jacobi (Y7/8 Teacher), Miss Liselle van Maanen (Visual Arts Teacher), Miss Sienna Davis (English Teacher)

Not pictured: Mr Hosea Taani (Learning Support Coordinator) & Mr Chris Taane (Learning Support Specialist Teacher)