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Emergency Procedures

Papamoa College —

We take the health and safety of all personnel on the school campus very seriously. We have a range of processes in place to ensure that in the event of an emergency, we are able to manage the situation as best as we can and keep all personnel on campus safe and secure.

The following brief descriptions are what will happen on campus in the event of an emergency:

Fire / Building danger
All personnel evacuate immediately to the Evacuation Meeting Place. This is on the far side of the Rugby field, by Gordon Spratt Reserve.

All personnel will be accounted for.

Drop, Cover & Hold, all personnel take immediate measures to protect themselves from building debris.

Once the shaking has stopped, safely evacuate to the Evacuation Meeting Place.

All personnel will be accounted for.

All personnel will move immediately to the first floor on campus.

The threat from a possible Tsunami is evaluated. A decision is made as to either:
1. Stay put.
2. Move to the tsunami platform, next to the school, at Gordon Spratt Reserve.
3. Move to the Papamoa Hills.

All personnel will be accounted for.

Intruder / Dangerous situation that requires the school to remain inside and out of sight.

All personnel will be kept indoors and out of sight if appropriate.

If required, the school will follow direct instructions from Police once they are in control of the situation.

Information & Communication

The school will always make decisions and act on the most accurate and verified information. Accurate sources include Civil Defence alerts and website, Police, or the Ministry of Education.

Social media and other unauthorised communication channels will not be used as a primary source of information.

The school will use our normal communication methods to inform parents, caregivers and whanau about what is happening at school when it is relevant to share information.

These methods include primarily emails and texts. We will also update the school website with relevant information as soon as possible during an event.

Parents and Caregivers in Emergency Situations

It is very important for parents and caregivers to allow school personnel to initiate the relevant emergency response plan and to effectively manage the situation on campus.

We appreciate that some parents and caregivers may want to arrive at school to collect their children.

Any parent, caregiver, guardian wanting to collect their child must sign for them in the centre of the school - upstairs on the open bridge area. There will be personnel to guide you to the right location.

Students will only be released into the care of their own parents, caregivers and guardians.

Note in a full lockdown situation the Police have advised that parents  DO NOT come to the school. The Police will inform the school when the situation is resolved and we will then update parents accordingly.

Important points for Community-Wide Emergencies

* An emergency situation could happen at any time of the day - even on the way to or from school

* Families must have determined a personal response plan on what to do in an emergency

* Every citizen will need to take responsibility for their own safety as much as they can

* Roads could be blocked with traffic - access and movement will be limited

* Mobile phone services and internet may be limited or disrupted

* People will be anxious and have a heightened sense of urgency

* In a significant situation everyone in the community will be affected

Additional information in the event of an emergency for the community can be gained from:

Tauranga City Council Tsunami Evacuation Zone Maps

Papamoa Tsunami Evacuation Zones

Bay of Plenty Civil Defence