Message from the Board

Papamoa College BoardMarch 28, 2021

Bullying of any sort is not acceptable at Papamoa College and the Board of Trustees is keen to see any harassment removed from the school environment because it affects all involved.

“It made me feel lonely and isolated and I struggled with my school work.”    Y10 student

The school gives the message to students, that whenever they have a problem or have another student harassing or bullying them, to talk to a trusted person at school. This is most likely a teacher they know or  Deans and Senior Staff Leaders are also available for students.

BullyingfreeNZ (a website with resources for parents and students) suggests there are three types of bullying: physical; verbal and social (relational) and that these behaviours are happening consistently to someone again and again.

The Papamoa College Board wants to see the removal of bullying at the college. With community and staff support bullying can be minimised. The Board will take a zero-tolerance approach to bullying as the impacts of this behaviour can be long lasting and devastating to those involved.

Every student needs a safe place to develop and learn and a successful approach takes focus and sustained effort from everyone to stop bullying behaviour. If your child is being bullied please talk to the school and your child to find the best solution for them.

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