Hero photograph
Photo by Paul Kingston

Principal's message

Paul Kingston —

It's great to be back at school. To keep things manageable and create certainty we have postponed Term 3 events that involved large groups.


Book Week and Book Character Day have been postponed (it was last year too!) - when another date is confirmed we'll let you know.

Grandparents Day is postponed - when another date is confirmed we'll let you know.

The Dance Programme will take place in Weeks 9 & 10 but there will be no Celebration Display.  Instead we'll video and post all the classes dancing in Seesaw or the Website.

LOCKDOWN - THANK YOU for all your great work.

Just like being at school there will have been moments when things didn’t go as smoothly as everyone hoped. Managing Self and Relating to Others are Key Competencies that are a big part of living - at home, at school, at work … just about everywhere!

It also makes you appreciate the important role our school values are when learning, playing and living.

This is an extract from a blog by a parent in Lockdown (25/08/21) that is a really good read.

It feels frantic, and in reality, it is frantic, but it's important we try to retain a certain amount of humour and calm – and truly try to be kind to ourselves.
What matters far more than whether the extra screentime will turn our brains to mush or this is the fifth Baked Beans meal in a row, is that our children love us and we love them, we don't need to be in charge and perfect all of the time.

Kia kaha te menemene - keep smiling
