Hero photograph
Photo by Debbie Robertson

Whānau Groups

Debbie Robertson —

Whānau groups provide opportunities for children to work together and build relationships within the school from new entrants to Y6 in a tuakana–teina relationship. This tuakana–teina relationship is an integral part of traditional Māori society, and provides a model for buddy systems.

Our Whānau groups are named after 5 native trees: Rimu, Mataī, Tōtara, Kahikatea and Kauri.

These trees were planted in 2011 by the students. The five trees are found in two locations.

Whānau – family - is one of the culture defining features of Papanui School reflecting our goals and values.

Whānau groups are a method for:

  • Building a family atmosphere within the school,

  • Developing and maintaining a tuakana–teina buddy system

  • Providing support for new children/ younger children,

  • Provide leadership opportunities for year 4 - 6 children,

  • Creating opportunities to build connections and relationships

  • Providing support for teaching staff, by creating a ‘trusted colleague’.

  • Promoting school values and goals

  • Having fun and developing social skills