Hero photograph
Photo by Paul Kingston

Looking after kids' teeth

Paul Kingston —

Cure Kids, released their first annual State of Child Health report in 2020 and it contained some concerning info about teeth.

Fewer than 60 percent of children brush their teeth at least twice a day with fluoride tooth paste.

Around 4 in 10 of all Kiwi five-year-olds suffer some form of tooth decay.

"There's really poor teeth brushing practice and that's right across all of New Zealand children - so that's definitely something that education, and health prioritisation and research into why our children are vulnerable to tooth decay can be turned around,"

Healthy teeth = a healthy smile. Follow these steps to protect your child’s smile.

  1. Brush teeth twice a day.
  2. Have regular dental check-ups.
  3. Choose healthy snacks.
  4. Drink water or milk.

This little video lasts as long as teeth brushing should and could be motivating for the younger kids.