Hero photograph
Photo by Sharon Alabaster

Cohort Entry Feedback

Sharon Alabaster —

The cohort entry trial is to go ahead next term.

Thank you so much to all those who responded to the cohort entry Google form that we published earlier this term. We had a broad cross section of the school and wider community respond to the survey; the majority were parents who have children starting at Papanui Primary School this year.

A reminder that a cohort entry system means that a group of new entrant learners start together either at the beginning of the term or half way through the term rather than on various days at any stage throughout the term.

92% of respondents said that changing to a cohort entry system would have little to no impact on starting school for their child. They also thought that there would be many positive outcomes as a result.

These included..

* A sense of belonging for tamariki, making friendships with kids in the same transition group.

* Support network for parents.

* Less disruptive for current students and their teachers.

We will therefore begin our one term trial in term 2, and if it is deemed to be working well by the end of the term, we will adopt it as part of our school policy from term 3 onwards. 

Thanks again

The Pūkeko team

Sharon Alabaster and Anna Lindsay