Hero photograph
Photo by Paul Kingston

Supporting Learning at Home

Staff —

When teaching, teachers make use of a range of approaches including Inquiry Learning, Experimental or Active Learning, Guided or Explicit Teaching - adapting programmes to suit the children, the situation and content.  In school we create opportunities for

  • New learning - being taught new skill or concept
  • Practising - getting or keeping skilful with a skill or process
  • Applying - using skills and knowledge to solve, design, create

Each of these activities brings its own challenges and level of support from the 'teacher'.  The matrix below shows the level of demand or difficulty for the learner and the resulting amount of preparation and support from the 'teacher'.

At home, we believe the focus should be upon Practising and Applying, although this will depend on a range of factors.

In this publication, organised under our local curriculum are links to some great sites where children can experiment, inquire and play .