Hero photograph
Photo by Paul Kingston


PK —

The end is in sight and the playground will be ready to use next Tuesday.

The playground is a mix of old and new. A couple of focus groups of children helped to select the items to stay and the new pieces of equipment. Two of the new items fill the sensory needs of spinning and swinging.

As well as being fun, the playground has Safe Fall Chip which is certified for use under playground equipment. This product is used extensively in parks, schools and recreation areas around Canterbury and is fully compliant with NZS 5828:2015.  Thank you to Caretaker Penney and Cam of Outaskool who braved the cold and wet to put down the weed matting.

Two large Pin Oaks have been planted that in time will help provide some natural shade in summer.  Once established we hope to add some seating around them.

On Monday, the spinner and swings will be completed, and the scuff matts will be installed, all ready for using on Tuesday.  Yahoo yippee.