Hero photograph
Photo by Paul Kingston

Lockdown Survival Kit

Paul Kingston —

We should all have a Grab Bag or Survival Kit for emergencies but what would a Lockdown (and Learning at Home) Survival Kit look like for your family?

We are all hoping that we will stay down the Alert Levels but if we have learnt anything it's that the Delta outbreak is not predictable or easy to control.

It is therefore wise to be prepared for a move up the alert levels.

Now that you've been through a couple you'll have a good idea of what you may need and what works. Don't forget to include your kids in the planning.

Those of you who would like a text book to add some variety you could look at the options at booksellers - e.g. Whitcoulls or The Warehouse, that you could add to your kit. 

Image by: Paul Kingston

We will be sending home Seesaw Home Learning codes within the first week back. Please keep these somewhere safe.