Hero photograph
Photo by Paul Kingston

Principal's message

Paul Kingston —

Welcome back to Term 3. The trip to Ferrymead is a great springboard for our 150th Celebration later in the year.

Reporting to Parents

The children's reports came home today so if you haven't seen your  child's report yet check the bag.  

I read all of the reports and loved the children's reflections on their learning and their schooling.  It really shows they are actively involved in their learning and they understand that they share in the responsibility for their learning.

School closes early at 2pm on Tuesday and Wednesday next week.

To book an appointment go to...


Type in the Event Code: rf36b

Then follow the three simple steps to book a time for your child(ren). If you do not have access to the internet, please see your child’s teacher or contact the school office and we can make the booking(s) for you.

Payments to the school

Papanui Primary is a part of the Donations Scheme. Under the Donations Scheme, the school does not ask parents and caregivers for

  • A donation**

  • Payment of any curriculum related activities (e.g. Ferrymead trip costs)

The cost of school uniform and stationery is not covered in the Donations Scheme.  You will have received a stationery invoice via email today.  You can pay on Kindo or by internet banking to our NEW ASB account 12-3149-0358696-00 ref. your child's name

There are OPTIONAL activities that the school can request payment for, these include

  • visiting music or drama groups
  • sports teams (after school e.g. basketball, touch)

** The only exception is School Camp.  The school can ask for a donation - we are asking for $100 which is half of the total cost.

Kia kaha te menemene - keep smiling
