Hero photograph
Photo by Paul Kingston

2022 Anzac Ceremony

Paul Kingston —

Today we held our annual school A.N.Z.A.C. commemoration.

Thank you to the Guard of Honour and the Year 6 team who did a great job running the service.  This year Mrs Pamela Marshall played the bagpipes while the wreath was laid.

We have a Roll of Honour Board that is 106 years old and bears the names of past-pupils from the Papanui District School (our original school name).  It is the centre piece of our commemoration and school tōanga.

It is especially poignant this year given the events in Eastern Europe.  In discussion with the Year 6 lead group we added the following thoughts to our service.

Today it is our Anzac Day commemoration.
It is a time to remember.
Remember those who have served, and serve our country.
A time to be grateful.
Grateful that we live in a safe and free country.
A time to hope.
Hope that any war will stop and hope that there will be peace and kindness in the world

Thank you to the Kahu children and teachers who have shared some lovely Anzac themed artwork in the office area.