Hero photograph
Photo by Debbie Robertson

Interview with Miss Strydom

Debbie Robertson —

Miss Strydom teaches in Weka Pod.

What is your favourite food?


What was your favourite part of school as a child?

Learning to cook at school.

Do you have a favourite animal?

Golden Retrievers as they are so friendly and energetic.

Why did you decide to be a teacher?

As a child I had learning difficulties and a teacher took the time and helped me to learn in a different way.

What is your favourite movie?

Tangled - it has singing and funny parts.

What did you want to be when you grew up?

An accountant, but that was too boring and required sitting too much.

What country do you want to visit the most?

The UK because my partner lives there.

What is your favourite drink?


Have you ever broken a bone?

No, never.

If you were to have a different job, what would it be?

Be a DOC ranger and work in the bush.