by Paul Kingston
PK+ — November 3, 2022
The raffle tickets are coming out today.
The community supports this fabulously and the funds raised will go towards next year's Year 5 & 6 Camp. Every second year the Friends of Papanui help the families of Year 5 & 6 children with the camp costs - over time all children will benefit from this commitment so it's a great cause.
To stock the raffle hampers we have organised a casual clothes day (dress up / non uniform day) on Friday 25 November. Instead of a gold coin donation the children bring an item for a Christmas hamper.
We have set out below some suggestions for each pod so we get a good variety for each hamper but don't stress too much, everything is appreciated.
Pūkeko - Creative goodies eg. crafts, or baking ingredients
Pīwakawaka - Sweet snacks
Weka - Savoury snacks
Korimako - Christmas goodies eg. Xmas crackers/pudding/books
Kāhu - Non alcoholic drinks, bottles, oil, jars, jam, or pamper items eg. moisturisers/candles etc
We will appreciate whatever you can donate.
Christmas raffle timeline
Many thanks for your ongoing support.