Annette Harrington — Jun 9, 2022

My name is Dion Collier and I am the Presiding Member for the BOT. With the elections for the Board of Trustees later this year, the Board decided we would write some short passages on what it is like on the board to try and give an insight into what great things you can achieve with being on the board and how personally fulfilling it can be.

Kia ora kotou e te Pārāwai Whānau

I thought I would share a couple of insights and achievements that I am personally proud of in my time with the board. 

Firstly, it isn't a onerous demand on your time.  We have two meetings a term and in between there are sub-committee meetings, but in all reality it maybe soaks up a couple of hours a week. 

Secondly, you don't need to be anything special to join the board such as a lawyer or accountant or business owner. Its great to bring specialist skills to the table, but the number one thing you need to bring is the desire to improve Pārāwai School as a whole that will outlast your tenure. We don't choose the colour of the pencils used in class or the posters that are put on the walls, we often discuss and approve long term initiatives or aspects that impact our tamariki for years to come - things like property upgrades, school culture direction and reviews of learning outcomes, with a view of making adjustments to ensure we are having a positive impact on all learners at Pārāwai Primary School.

My tenure on the Board started in 2018 when I was asked to step into a vacant spot on the board and assist the Junior Block upgrade get moving. Within my day job I am involved in this kind of work all over the Waikato and BoP and it was fortunate that I could bring specific experience to the table. The project was valued at almost twice the budget we had and had stalled for that reason. By rolling my sleeves up and getting involved in the project with the board, we were able to refine the design and get the amazing block completed within budget and that our junior tamariki now enjoy.   This will outlast my time on the board, and has a lasting impact on not only the tamariki but also the teachers in the Junior block who now have a great working environment. 

So over the time from then to now, we have completed more school and classroom upgrades which the entire board have had a hand in developing and we have all been on the journey together.  Over the last 18 months I have been the Presiding Member (we don't call them a Board Chairman anymore), which has seen me be a bit more involved with the administrative side of the Board but again hasn't been onerous and has been thoroughly enjoyable.