Our School Charter details our aims for the school, and our proposed methods for achieving them. Its ultimate aim is to provide the best learning outcomes for each student.
Our School Charter details our aims for the school, and our proposed methods for achieving them. Its ultimate aim is to provide the best learning outcomes for each student.
The Board of Trustees develops the charter as its major policy statement and the guiding document for the school. It contains detailed information about:
our values and vision
our commitment to the principles of te Tiriti o Waitangi (the Treaty of Waitangi)
our strategic plan: aims, objectives, and priorities
our long-term, and annual, targets and goals.
The Board is responsible, with the Principal, for developing the charter. The Principal, as manager of the school, is responsible for implementing it.
The Board consults with the Māori community when preparing or amending the charter, in accordance with the principles of te Tiriti o Waitangi and legal requirements under the Education Act 1989.