Our Supporters: Sponsorship & Advertising Information

In today's educational environment, there is an expectation that schools will partner with various groups within the community in ways that support the learning outcomes of students and which better prepare them for the society in which they will live. At Pārāwai School we work closely with our PTA and Board of Trustees to set a school wishlist each year. These items are evaluated, with higher importance being given to those which are of educational benefit to our students and those which will enhance the overall school environment. The acquisition of these items is made possible by the support of our generous donors, grants and the wider business community, which help us provide an exceptional educational experience for our students.
Any support for the education of the young people in our community is highly valued, and likewise, supporting our local business owners and keeping funds local is also highly valued by our school. There are a variety of ways that you are able to support our school and we have endeavoured to ensure that your support will be mutually beneficial.
Newsletter & Prospectus Advertising
Our school newsletter and/or enrolment prospectus are both excellent avenues for advertising your business to our entire parent community.
The school newsletter, which is published digitally every school week on our school Facebook page, our website and via our school app to our parent community. $50 GST inclusive per term (ten weeks).
A contribution of $500 GST exclusive helps with the printing costs of our professionally printed prospectus. You will be acknowledged in the prospectus as a sponsor of Pārāwai School along with a 6cm x 5cm business advertisement. The prospectus is circulated widely to all prospective enrolments, both local and international, as well as to local ECE’s and real estate agents. It is also published on our website in English and Japanese.
School App (HERO) Sponsorship
Sponsored content on our school app @ $100 GST exclusive per term (10 weeks). As a sponsor of the school app, an image of your choice is uploaded to the home page of the school app along with a link to your business website. Our parent community see your sponsor’s image on the home screen / community notices page of the app and are able to visit your website via a link by clicking on the sponsored image.
Perimeter Signage
We are delighted to present your business the opportunity to take pride of place at Pārāwai School with a range of perimeter signage advertising spaces available for hire. Strategically positioned around our school car park boundary fence, the Pārāwai School signage panels will be highly visible to every person that visits the school. Your brand will be seen repetitively and imprinted on the minds of our valued parent community so that whenever they need to seek the goods or services you provide your business will always be on the tip of their tongue. You will also have significant exposure to the hundreds of diverse community users and visitors of Pārāwai School every year – all of whom are your potential customers. A limited number of spaces available - further information and specs available here.
Supporting Fundraising Events
Throughout the year, Pārāwai School asks the whole community to support a number of identified fundraising events for specific projects, which may be run by either the school, the PTA or by both combined. Examples include a PTA hosted quiz night, a Steampunk Gala Day and our annual Ambrose Golf Tournament. Support for these events can be in the form of a service, product or a cash donation. Recognition is given to every sponsor and / or donor via the school website, Facebook page, our school newsletter and for the duration of the event itself. Sponsorship packages are available on request.
Cash Donations
If you would like to support us with a monetary donation, that would be most gratefully accepted & appreciated! All donations are tax deductible. Bank details are below:
- Account Name: Pārāwai School BOT
- Account number: 03-0458-0160428-00
Further Information
As a local business owner your contribution to our school community will always be welcomed and appreciated. Sponsoring the school directly would be a wonderful way of continuing your support for the well-being of our students, with the added benefit of very tangible outcomes and results for both our students and our business sponsors. Could you support Pārāwai School? For further information, please email administration@parawai.school.nz or phone 07 868 8117. Thank you.