Hero photograph
Photo by Simon Thomas

Latest Update

Simon Thomas —

Our team at Parkview Pārua trust you are safe and sound in your bubble and are looking after each other.

The contact we have made with our families has been so encouraging. Those who have been in touch have confirmed that our students are safe at home. They are enjoying the learning they are doing, both life skills and accessing materials from the school where possible.

The latest Government announcement is that they have decided to reopen primary schools. The current restart date set by the Ministry of Education is Wednesday April 29th. The decision whether to shift to Level 3 will be made by the Government on Monday.

The health and well being of our children, families and staff is the most important thing at this time and we want to do all we can as a school to protect people. We are waiting on Ministry of Education guidelines before we can make any decisions about how on-site schooling may look at Level 3. It will clearly be very different from normal.

Over the weekend, can you please consider your family situation and what would be the most appropriate form of learning for your children. This also includes how doable supervising your child’s learning is if staying at home is an option. We do not want families to feel pressure or for our students to miss out on access to learning that they want to complete.

Once the lockdown is lifted, we as a staff can access the school and develop resources to support learning from home for families who choose to do so. This may look like learning tasks recorded in a workbook for Year 0-4 students and chromebooks with filtering software on them for our Year 5-8 students.

If the level is changed on Monday, look out for a survey so we can make a plan that effectively meets the needs of our community. Take good care, look after those in your bubble and be kind to others. We are thinking of you all.