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by Simon Thomas

School returns to normal....

Simon Thomas - May 4, 2022

It has been an exciting week this week to see our awesome students return...

Nearly all of our students have returned to school this week.  We are so enjoying reconnecting with them.  Thank you all for returning Chromebooks in good condition too! 

Next week finally we will be able to return to our normal learning programmes.  Our teachers are so excited about working together collaboratively again, they found last term very challenging and isolating.

Our students are also extremely excited about working with others and mixing with their peers.  We welcome parents back on site, however as most of our teachers have not had the virus, we ask that parents remain outside of the classrooms unless your child is a new entrant.

We have a number of fun outdoor events ahead this term and we welcome parents onsite to support your awesome children.  Let's hope things continue to settle, so keep an eye on upcoming events!

Thank you so much for your incredible kindness over what has been an extremely difficult and exhausting time for educators.  We couldn't have got through without your support.  Thank you whānau