Hero photograph
Photo by Janine Chapman

Miniball Competition Update

Janine Chapman —

Week 5 

Panthers Player of the Day: Emma

Pythons Player of the Day: Jess'It was a fun game. It was very hard getting the ball off the other team. I got an injury during the game but I pushed through and went back on the court. Our team did really well at passing and getting in-front for the pass. We drew the game 10-10.' Emma

'We were really far behind in the first half of the game. I passed to Ryan and he scored the first goal. In the second half, we came back and ended up having a draw against the other team. I think that our team did a better job of blocking and passing.' Jess

Week 6

Panthers Player of the Day: Carter & Ruby 

Pythons Player of the Day: Ryan & George 

'It was a hard game against Queenspark. We tried our best to score hoops. I did well defending in the game. The final score was 2-14.' Carter' Queenspark were a good team and it was a hard game. We all tried our best, it just wasn't our day. I think I did really well with my passing. I threw the ball to whoever was free. We tried to shoot lots of hoops but they just wouldn't go in.' Ruby

'We played Waitakiri and it was a close game but sadly we lost. We tried our best but we're not going to use any excuses. I think I did some good passes and I got a lucky shot. Everyone clapped for me.' Ryan 

'We sadly lost our game 6 - 10. We did well passing to each other and running down the court. We tried to shoot lots of hoops. I think did well at marking my player.' George