Simon Thomas — Nov 21, 2018

Mrs Ashby has been a key staff member of our school for a very long time...

Mrs Ashby is retiring after 30 years of service to Parkview School.  She will be sadly missed.  She has been instrumental in our office, library, school resources, netball teams, and fundraising ventures just to name a few over many years.  She has washed and repaired uniforms, curtains and rails, cleaned the staffroom etc without being asked for many years.  

Sharon and her family have played a major part in our school over a long period of time and we thank them for their massive contribution.  We can't replace Mrs Ashby, she is the sort of generous soul that is rare.  She is also humble and does not enjoy being fussed over.  We will miss her very much!

The Board is in the process of appointing a new administration person who has big shoes to fill.