Parkview Pārua Curriculum Overview
At Parkview Pārua School, we have a localised, place based curriculum which provides the foundation for all teaching and learning in our kura. The Principles embodied in the NZ Curriculum underpin all decision making at Parkview Pārua School. Through the learning areas of English, The Arts, Health and Physical Education, Learning Languages, Mathematics and Statistics, Science, Social Sciences and Technology, children will be engaged, challenged, forward thinking and inclusive.
Our localised curriculum is place-based with our cultural narrative being a vital part of our learning. The core learning areas of English and Mathematics are delivered in mixed ability groupings and via integrated Inquiry. The learning areas also delivered via integrated inquiry where possible. We work to ensure student voice is a vital part of our learning programmes.
We have school wide Ako time between 9am - 12.15pm each day where students have a self directed timetable. Small group targeted teacher sessions occur during this time to address student needs within curriculum areas.
At our kura we believe in culturally responsive practice. This is evidenced in a number of key practices throughout our school:
Team Whānau Hui - conducted twice weekly in each pārua. This time is designed to build culture and establish and foster whānau relationships. This occurs via whakataukī, waiata, sharing pānui and celebrating successes via Principal’s values awards.
Whanau Ako/ Mahi tahi - School-wide approach to proactively developing positive relationships with a wide range of adults and students alike by developing genuine ‘non-school’ conversations with students, start of school day, alternating with whanau hui. Proactively walk through Learning Spaces, greet teachers/ students/parents with a smile, Check in with target learning/behaviour students, directed social groupings in games to develop social skills.
Circle time - restorative processes are utilised to address student well being
Tuakana Teina - there are multiple leadership opportunities for students to lead and role model for others