Aysha Young — Nov 1, 2018

On Thursday (1-11-18) it was the Junior and Senior Disco! The Junior Disco was held at the school hall, and the Senior Disco was held at the Baptist Church down the road.

Junior Disco:

The Junior Disco was held from 12:00- 2:30 during school time. All the Juniors had a blast dressing up and partying the afternoon away at school.

There was no food or drinks for sale, but each child was given a goodie bag that had candy and other little things in them.  There were light up bracelets that glowed in the dark which were popular with the little kids. 

Everyone was pretty excited to have a DJ at their own school, and dance to music!

Senior Disco: 

The Senior Disco was held at the Baptist Church at 6:00-7:30 at night. 

Candy, drinks, and light up toys were bought. There was a few dance battles as well, and the Fortnite music was very popular accompanied with the famous Fortnite dances. There was also a Girls Vs. Boys dance battle, which the girls won.  One last dance battle at the very end which the boys won.

Popular songs were played, such as Baby Shark and Shotgun. Time seemed to fly by.