Jane Ruiter — Apr 6, 2022

What a wonderful way to promote the well being of our whanau.

We are like flowers, sometimes we struggle, but we all grow. This was the start of our discussion this week. Each week we have been holding Hauora Hour which is a time devoted to focus on the children's well being.

This week the students were encouraged to bring an item of personal significance to them. This could be something that reflected their cultural background or was in some way important to them.

Each child got to share their item while others listened respectfully. Discussion was held on treating objects with respect and being gentle with taonga. It was a wonderful way for the children to gain confidence in presenting their information in front of an audience. 

This is what some of the children said about their objects:

My Grandad was so special to me so I bought his photo  Navaha

My bracelet is special because Nana and Grandad gave it to me and they add charms whenever I have a birthday  Aliyah

I was born really early so I've bought the heart monitor tubes that were put on me to keep me safe  Peyton

My mother's family came from Turkey and I have bought an Evil Eye which takes away bad thoughts or bad things that might be happening to you  Zeyna

My  Great Grandad's flute is special because it has been passed down to his son and then to my Dad   Layla

My thing is special because I was born in Australia and this was carved by an Aborigine, the native people of Australia  Cooper

I bought this metal flower because it reminds me of my cousin who died  Zade

I have a special book that I got when I was one   Jayda

My Minnie Mouse was given to me by my uncle before he passed away  Aoife

And so it went on and from first toys, to shamrocks, to Russian dolls to medals. Each child showed great pride in their things and I was amazed at the confidence shown in their speaking. The others were so amazing in the way they listened respectfully and clapped each other. Not one child touched the objects on the display tables. Well done everyone!