Hero photograph
Photo by Ella Hurst-Whitworth

Buddy Writing!

Ella Hurst-Whitworth —

Throughout the last couple of weeks the Kotuku Team writing classes have been doing some buddy reading with the juniors of Room 6.

We have had so much fun doing some buddy writing.  We have really enjoyed helping the juniors, and making a story with them! 

Here is some feedback from the people in the Kotuku Team Writing classes:

Jessie ~ I feel great about going to see the juniors because we get to help the little kids do some poems on the Chromebooks.

Iszac ~ I feel like its really fun to do buddy work because they show a book to me, then I show them my work that we have been learning for the week.  Once we show each others work we make our our story or something which I find really fun!

So there is some feedback! This is the thing we all do once a week, and I think most people really enjoy themselves. 😀