Hero photograph
Photo by Heidi Wilson

Team Pukeko Go To The Museum...

Heidi Wilson —

The Pukeko team have had a fun trip to the museum. I interviewed some kids, here is what they said.

First we went to the discovery room. There were a lot of bugs and animals in cages and boxes. Some of the bugs were still alive! There were lots of toys and books, and even a screen in the middle of the floor! There was a dinosaur room next door, and that was cool. We got to see Cavemen! There was a toothbrush made out of bone! We went into another room, where there was a giant snow mobile. It blew heaps of air into my face! And upstairs, there was a machine, and when you blew into it, your breathe made a hurricane, and it told you what magnitude your breath was compared to a hurricane! There was a giant statue, and cans from an Antarctica hut. There was also a big bus. It was one bus, with black in the middle, and another bus on the other side.  We didn't get to go to the botanical gardens though🙁

That sounds like a fun day!