Hero video
Video by Kent McDonald

Uniform Change Team - Week 2 Update

Kent McDonald —

Check out what we have been doing in the Uniform Change Team

My name is Mckenzie and I am part of the Uniform Change Team.  As you probably know, the other people that are in the project are James, Amber, Dylan, Mr M and Miss Gloag.  This week we have been going around all the classes during Whanau Hui time and modelling the new school uniform so the students of Parkview Pārua can see the new options and vote on what they would like to wear.  

We have created a survey for Years 5 to 8 so they can choose what they like best.  We then went around the junior school to hold secret votes and we counted the numbers.  During Three Way Conferences next week, we will be showing the uniform options in the staff room and the parents are welcome to come and look at the new uniform options.  Parents will then be able to tell us what they like.
