Janine Chapman — Aug 9, 2019

This week we have had some fun with discovery and persuasive writing.

In Room 3 this week we have been looking at persuasive writing and how to use phrases such as 'in my opinion' and 'I feel that' to convince our readers.

In Discovery we played with play-do to create shapes and creatures!

Below are some samples of our persuasive writing -

School Should Be Shorter

School should be shorter because the teachers won’t have to work for as long as they have to now. School should also be shorter because you can learn sport like soccer. Surely school should also be shorter so that kids can see their parents more early, then they can spend time together. If school was shorter then I would go shopping with my Mum and Dad and sister Cara. I feel that kids get very tired at school at the moment, and if school was shorter then the kids would have more energy. In my opinion kids should have more time to play on the playground. Kids should have more time to do fun stuff instead of doing boring lessons for most of the day. So do you think school should be shorter?

Evan, Room 1

School Should Not Be Shorter

I would love school to be shorter because I get to see my parents, but in my opinion school should be longer because we need the teacher to keep us occupied. Or else you end up in jail. So that’s why I want school to be longer. Don’t you think that kids deserve more time at school? It will help them learn. Please let the children have more time at school.

Noah, Room 3

School Should Be Shorter

School should be shorter so children get to play more. I feel that school should be shorter because it’s way too long. I also feel that teachers work very hard all day long to help kids. So children should get less work at school. I feel that children should earn more time to spend with their parents. I feel that school should be shorter so you can explore in the forest. I feel that school should be shorter so you can go swimming with your family. Don’t you think kids deserve to play more on the playground because they get tired of staying in the classroom? Don’t you think that kids earn more time with their family, like going out somewhere for afternoon tea?

Esta, Room 2