Kererū Values awards
A big congratulations to the following student's for achieving so hard this week.
Grace - For making a huge effort to keep in touch everyday, sharing stories and pictures of some fantastic learning and activities!
Abigail - For making a huge effort to keep in touch and working hard at her learning!
Logan - For putting in a massive effort into all his work and sending through lots of photos
Max - For completing lots of the online work to a really high standard and seeking feedback from teachers
Nathan - For persisting and doing your best with your online work. You have completed your work to a high standard and always brighten my day with fun emails about the things you have been doing.
Paetyn - For maintaining motivation and doing your best to stay focused on completing your work. I love that you are not afraid to ask for help and I am really enjoying your foodie emails each day! Keep it up!
James - Being a fantastic self-motivated learner and putting in an awesome effort on his online learning tasks
Emma - Being a fantastic self-motivated learner and putting in an awesome effort on her online learning tasks