Ella Hurst-Whitworth — Jul 4, 2019

On the last day of Term we the Kotuku Team had a shared lunch!

The rules of our shared lunch were:

1. If you brought food, you could be part of the shared lunch.

2. If you didn't bring any food, you weren't part of the shared lunch and you ate your normal packed lunch.

3. If you were bringing stuff for the shared lunch, some had to be healthy foods, sweet foods (if you want to) and some normal everyday food.

We were doing a shared lunch because it was the end of the term, and we like to celebrate all our hard work! We also liked getting together and just talking about the end of the term. Thank you to all the Kotuku Team teachers (and all teachers around the school) for making last term as fun and as challenging as it was! šŸ˜‹

Ella Hurst-Whitworth