Hero photograph
Photo by Kayla Wheeler

The Ski Trip...

Kayla Wheeler —

On Friday the 6th of September, a group of 21 kids went to Porters Ski Field to do some skiing.

The trip up to Porters was around 2 hours long. Once we arrived, we had to get our gear, so we went into a room and put on our boots, then went outside and got our ski's and helmets. 

The beginners lesson was straight away which is what most of the kids were doing. While they had their lesson, the people doing the intermediate lesson had to wait for their's.

3 of the kids ended up going in the chair lift to the highest slope  for the first time! (they didn't fall over that much). Also, heaps of the beginners by the end of the day, could make it down the intermediate slope without falling over.  

Then at 2:30 it was sadly time to go home. Everyone brought their ski's and boots back, then it was back onto the bus to head back to school.  It was a very fun day for both the kids and adults, and I'm sure that next year's Year 7 and 8's are looking forward to next year's trip.