Hero photograph
Photo by Kent McDonald

WOW Writing - Student Work

Kent McDonald —

Room 14 & 15 Writing (Year 3/4) & Year 7/8 have been learning to write descriptions and letters this term. Enjoy reading through their work.


I crawled up the ladder to get to the dusty, warm attic. I found a suitcase it was about 5 meters long. I found a dirty old jacket with a button missing, it was as old as a picture from war. I also found a ripped up picture of from a person from war. There was a ring made out of metal and a ruby in the middle. In the suitcase was an old watch which was 30 minutes late. In the suitcase, there was an old phone that smelled like a dirty pig that swam in the mud for 2 hours. The ring was as beautiful as an angel.


Dear Gus,

Please accept this letter as notice that I will be resigning from my job as a delivery stork (with no protection). I’m sorry to say but the animals head butt me (a lot), give me black eyes, spike me and make my feathers fall off. Look they're giving me a really hard time! (I’m not trying to be mean). I know you're trying your best but it hasn’t worked out. So I wish you good luck!

All other storks get safe, secure, cute, fluffy, baby animals. Why can’t I at least get maybe just one? You’re my best friend, but you harm me. I feel sorry for you. Be proud of how far you’ve got.

Thank you for being a caring, loving friend to me. I’ll miss you.

I hope you find a replacement for me soon. :)

Yours sincerely,


Year 7/8 Author's Group - Based on the image below


I crept up the stairs. The stairs were steep. I had to put my hands on the stairs so that I wouldn’t fall backwards. The only problem was that there were no handles. I felt my hands slide of the wooden step. I lost my footing and the ground came up to meet me. The wind got knocked out of me and I gasped for air. I sat up wheezing. I am so clumsy that I can’t even walk up stairs. I push myself up onto my feet. I put my foot on the step and start climbing again. When I get to the top I look around. I haven't been up here since I was 6. I was an adventures child back then. My eyes were filled with eagerness and bones ached with excitement. My mum told me to find a mirror. I spotted one in the dusty corner and walked over to it. It had a wooden frame. Something was wrong. I stared at the mirror for what seemed like an hour and gasped. The mirror was moving! I walked over to it my ears pounding.


 The ancient, groaning stairs seemed to go on forever and ever, repeating themselves over and over again until they reached the dark abyss that was the attic. fearlessly I tiptoed up the steep eerie steps at a slow pace, heading to the place where no one dared venture before, the place we stored our junk. The aged effect our house seemed to let off, did not have a positive effect on the stereotypical view that movies have of an attic being in some way possessed or haunted. A shiver shot down my spine, giving my brain feelings of terror and alarm. I had to keep going, I needed to complete the dare. I took my first stride into the undersized room, the floor creaked. I look before me at the darkening setting full of ancient, unwanted knickknacks from my past. Another step greets my ears with the now familiar sound of groaning floorboards. That’s when I spot something out of the corner of my eye, something I currently wish my eyes had never perceived.