Janine Chapman — Sep 13, 2019

Grab your skate gear and roll on down to the Celebration Centre Stadium on Saturday 5th October between 3.00pm-5.00pm to get your groove on at The Rolling Dead Roller Disco.

Don’t have any skate gear? Don’t worry, just make sure you bring a helmet and hire some of our skates and gear. We have a limited amount of skates and gear available so hiring will be on a first come, first serve basis. We will have prizes for the best outfit, best skill and best dance. We’ll also have snacks, drinks on sale and a fantastic raffle. All ages, all levels are all welcome. Entry $7, skate hire $3. All profits will go towards sending our junior roller derby team to Wellington to play their first game on the 9 November 2019. Let’s celebrate good times! It is a condition of entry that ALL skaters wear a helmet and protective pads.