Hero photograph
Photo by Kent McDonald

New Uniform Update

Kent McDonald —

Final Consultation Phase

My name is Mckenzie and I am part of the Uniform Change Team. This week we have been looking at all the votes from the students, parents and staff surveys. We have finished the uniform report and we have given this to Mr T.  Mr M talked to the BOT last night and later in the term we will share this report with the Board of Trustees.   In the report we have added what we have done in the past, what we did and the reason we are changing our uniform, all the votes and the recommendations from our work are in the report. Thank you to all the parents that gave us some feedback and voted on the uniform survey. Our uniform report is here so you can read it.  Mr M also wrote a report that you can read if you want to.

If you have any further ideas, please write to feedback@parkview.school.nz

McKenzie - I have enjoyed doing all the newsletter articles and modeling to the school and getting to see the new uniform first. My favourite thing about being in the uniform team is taking all the votes and writing the report. I also loved creating the google forms and looking at what everyone liked best.

James - I have really enjoyed working on the new uniform because we got to model the new uniform options, make Google Forms (which I hadn’t done before this). I also liked working with new people who I haven't really worked with before this experience. 

Dylan - I have enjoyed trying on the new uniforms and going around finding out who liked what and collecting the votes. I also enjoyed writing the reports with the others, and the creating of the Google surveys.

Amber -I have enjoyed presenting the uniforms to the school and writing the newsletter article. I also enjoy being apart of the uniform change team and finding out what people think about the new uniform.

The Unform Change Team - Year 5/6 Students (Mckenzie, Amber, James and Dylan)