Term 4, Week 4
Brett Morell
Every Friday this term Room 11 have been doing art.
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Kent McDonald
Award Ceremony
Heidi Wilson
This week, the Pukeko team has learnt about healthy foods. They looked at the food pyramid and compared different lunches around the world. They played lots of fitness games and had lots of fun. They said it was cool to learn about all the healthy foods!
Kayla Wheeler
On Tuesday 5th November Jesse, James and Mr Fox went to Elms Hotel to get an award.
We need your help
Janine Chapman
Aysha Young
Congratulations to these students
Lost and missing!
Lilyrose Gloistein
This week The kereru team have been doing some awesome work with the Piwakawaka team!
Ella Hurst-Whitworth
For this weeks theme in the Kotuku Team (for Literacy) was Myths & Legends.
The Year 3/4 Choir have been practicing all year for the 'Kids for Kids' Choir Performance at the Horncastle Arena.
There are many events coming up to watch out for...
On Tuesday the Year 6's started a 2-day program learning how to use their bikes safely on the road.
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