Hero photograph
Photo by Ali Hornblow

Week 1 Te Kōhaka

Ali Hornblow —

We are looking forward to seeing everyone back and ready for the challenges of the very last Term 3 as Yr 8s!

We trust that you have had a relaxing break over the past two weeks. 


We are having a Bake Sale on Thursday 29th July as a fundraiser. Everyone who brings something to sell will have the shared amount taken off their camp cost. There are a few students who still need to return their consent form for camp, can this come in on Monday.  So looking forward to the camps! If you have any questions please ask.

Our theme for the term is 'The Journey' and we are looking at our history, our ALS legend, our body's journey into/ through puberty and PRODUCTION! 

Enjoy your weekend.

Arohanui, Ali and Anna