Hero photograph
Photo by Rachel Kelly

Week 7 in Manga Kawari and Maungatere

Rachel Kelly —

Above is our ALS Whakataukī - Pursue that which is precious, and do not be deterred by anything less than a lofty mountain.

Up and coming this week...

Monday afternoon - buddy time 

Tuesday and Wednesday - All middle leaders out at Somerfield School. Anna Sage and a regular reliever will be teaching for Rachel Kelly. 

Thursday - Strike Day 

Friday - Deep Dive Learning continues in the middle block. With sports, science, Digital Tech and Te Ao Māori. 

Choir is on Friday's for the children who have signed up. 


Report writing continues next week with the children choosing a place in NZ to study and write about. This week we scaffolded and discussed the structure of a report and the language appropriate to this genre. This writing links with our South Island study in inquiry. 

Maths - The year 6s continue with multiplication and division strategies and the year 6s will look into addition and subtraction.


Wednesdays are Subway days! You can order this through your school account. 

Lost property is building up again - we have lots of jerseys in our space that are unnamed if you are missing one. 

Have a great weekend!