Hero photograph
Photo by Jen Loffhagen

Mixx Korfball Cup Competition

Jen Loffhagen —

Over the term, we have been once again lucky to have MIXX come into school and coach us the sport of Korfball. 

We are lucky to be given the opportunity to compete in a MIXX Korfball Cup competition at Mainpower Stadium.

The tournament will take place on:
Tuesday 4th April
MainPower Stadium, Rangiora

Mixx invites you all to participate in the 2023 Term 1 Waimakariri Mixx Korfball Cup.
This term, we are lucky to have the opportunity to include our Year 4 students if numbers allow. So if your child is Year 4, then please fill out the form and I will be in touch if they are able to attend.

By filling in this form you agree for your child to participate and be committed for the tournament and acknowledge the fee of approx $20 will be added to your school account.

Thanks, Jen

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