Navigating the Journey

Di Murphy —

This term all of our students will be taking part in the Navigating the Journey programme developed by NZ Family Planning.

 The New Zealand Curriculum sets out the expectation that schools will develop health education programmes that enable students to build resilience through strengthening their personal identity and sense of self-worth, through managing change and loss, and through engaging in responsible decision making. In this programme we will be focusing on the following learning objectives:

  • Knowledge, understandings, and skills relating to personal health and development: physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual

  • Personal and interpersonal skills and related attitudes

  • Understandings and skills to enhance relationships

Each of the activities are designed to support learning towards one or more of these learning intentions, and there is a gradual process for each from Year 0 to Year 8. Details of the specific learning for your child will be sent in a separate notification via HERO before 3pm Friday 30 July.