Hero photograph
Photo by Rachel Kelly

Week 5 in the senior school!

Rachel Kelly —

The cycle sense team were so impressed by our Pegasus Bay year 6s this week and the effort they put into the cycle programme!

A big well done to all of the children who participated in our school swimming sports today!

Year 6 Manga Kawari - Cycle sense on Monday and Tuesday. Please remember to bring bikes and helmets on these days and closed toed shoes. The Year 7s you will be in a normal programme. 

Vision testing - Collen from the CDHB will be At Pegasus Bay School on Thursday 2nd March for vision testing for all of our year 7 students. This happens every year for year 7 children. If your child needs a referral from this you will be notified. 

Week five learning

Mathsnoproblem continues with the year 7s looking at order of operations and the year 6s focusing on place value. Many children have learning goals to learn their times tables. We suggested for homework they could make a poster for their room or a memory game at home to help them achieve this goal! They could write them out in a notebook and get someone at home to test them on a Thursday. 

Literacy continues with a big focus on reading for meaning. We suggest that children read for 20mins each night at home. This will help with fluency and vocabulary building. The children are working well in their spelling groups. They are continuing to write recounts and descriptions based around their favourite places. Some children are working on goal setting. 


Hats and sunscreen 

Novels or books for DEAR time. 

Do you have any old board games we could put in our rainy day games box for inside lunches? Please bring them in!