Hero photograph
Photo by Anna Sage

Te Kōhaka

Anna Sage —

First and foremost a huge congratulations to Trixie, Paige and Eshan who participated in PCT this week. We are excited to announce that we came 1st and will now be competing in Auckland later in the year.  

Also, a huge congratulations to Kaylene, Trixie, and Tahlia who competed in swimming zones!

This week we have dived deeper into our inquiry with our ākonga researching information about their culture and heritage as well as another culture or heritage to compare.

Literacy: This week we finished our guided workshops on essay writing, we were blown away with the ideas that our ākonga were providing for the body and conclusion of an essay. We have some ākonga that are underway on their cultural poem and essay. 

This week we had our guided reading workshops. Mrs Hornblow took a group and listened to a podcast, while Mrs Sage's group read a journal. This workshop looked at finding an authors and their own viewpoint, critiquing and justifying, and summarising the text. 

Numeracy: This week we have been looking at a range of strategies to solve division questions and word problems. Ākonga have been learning the strategies of long division, number bonds, halving and short division. 

Kura Reo: This week we finished our pepeha and have recorded these. These will be uploaded to your child's inquiry booklet. Next week we will be looking at vocabulary related to taku whānau (the family)

Is your child interested in this writing competition?

There is an opportunity to compete in a writing competition where you will write a poem (up to 16 lines) that draws on your own experiences. Ordinary or exciting, think about memories that might be relatable to other young people. There are prizes to be won! Please discuss this with your child, if your child is interested they need to see Mrs Hornblow.

Sausages: Please, this is a fundraiser for our year 8's and we have not had a lot of buy in from them. Thank you to the few who have consistently supported this. Please purchase a sausage for $2.20 this can be done through your Kindo account.