Hero photograph
Photo by Lisa Hewitt

Week 10 Junior newsletter

Lisa Hewitt —

Final week of term 3!


There have been little itchy friends spotted in some of the children's heads so if you could have a small check of your child's hair and treat them if you find any nits.


As a reward for the end of term Rakahuri are having TOY DAY on the last day of term. Tamariki can bring a toy to school to show and play with.

Waikuku tamariki are still working on achieving their goal for a end of term treat, we will send an email out later in the week if they make the target.


Waikuku tamariki will have their third and last session of Korfball on Thursday, please ensure that your child wears running shoes for that session.


Emily has sent you an email with your permission slip attached, please complete this and return it to Emily ASAP. If you are able to assist with transport to Waipara it would be great if you could indicate whether you have the capability to bring a trailer for added transportation space of equipment.


We will be testing the tamariki for the Knowledge-athon on Thursday. Can they please bring their sponsorship form into school prior to this, so that we can sign and confirm how many questions they get right. We have been practising questions at school and have been super impressed on how much they have already learnt. Once the test has been done you will have the holidays to collect any sponsorship money.

Lastly we wish you all happy, restful and fun holidays with your children and look forward to seeing them relaxed and rested for what is shaping up to be a VERY busy Term 4.

Ngā mihi

Lisa, Sharlene, Juanita, Emily and Roisin