Anna Bisgrove —

Tuning into kids and tuning into teens. A six-session program for parents and caregivers.

Mana Ake is an organisation that works closely with Te Kura o Manga Kawari to provide support for ākonga who are experiencing circumstances that impact their well-being or mental health.

Mana Ake also runs sessions for parents and caregivers of children ages 5-12 around gaining an awareness of children's emotions, teaching children how to manage their emotions, and how to guide their behaviour. I have attached a poster for these sessions which contains the start dates, time, location, and the Mana Ake kaimahi running the session. The highlighted options are specifically designed for parents and caregivers of tamariki aged 10-13 years (tuning into teens).

If you have any questions about Mana Ake or are wanting to arrange a meeting with Lizi, our school Mana Ake liaison, to discuss if your child will benefit from Mana Ake or alternative support please get in touch. You can talk to your child’s homeroom teacher, Di Murphy (SENCo), or myself (Learning support coordinator). If you can’t have a conversation face-to-face, the staff email addresses are on our school website.