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Our newsletters are stepping up a level!

Jared Kelly —

No more boring blocks of text or hard to open PDFs - we're going digital!

From now on you will just receive one newsletter each week from us - a merge of our separate ALS newsletters and our fortnightly whole school newsletters. 

Each Friday we will send out a link to our digital newsletter via Hero, phone app and on Facebook - just like we used with the old style newsletters.  

Our newsletter will contain an update from each ALS on plans and reminders for the following week, as well as sports info, what's coming up at school and more.  

It is easy to open and read on your phone or computer!

As this is our first newsletter on this platform, we'd love to know what you think, so in a newsletter soon we will be asking for your feedback.  We'll just give you a couple of weeks to get used to this new format first. 


Jared Kelly 
