Hero photograph
Photo by Sally Patterson

Peka peka!

Sally Patterson —

Our Inquiry topic is coming to an end and what success we have had!

The tamariki arrived with great excitement on Monday morning to see that their big ideas and visions (sparks) had been made into reality (flame)! A big shout out to our whānau who contributed to our working bee on Saturday! It was awesome to come together as a Peka peka community.

A big thanks to Shayne and Nikki Anderson, Julia and Max Warren, Jess Laloli, Bevan Snookes, Chris Ringdahl, David Galway, and two of our Year 8 leaders, Dan Keating and Charlie Pockson. It was amazing to get this completed by reusing resources we already had in our playground using a huge amount of creativity and expertise from our Whānau. A huge thanks to Chris Ringdahl for donating the soil and river stones to make the 3 different zones complete - Monster truck stadium, Driftwood hut, and a butterfly garden! This project was focused on the Technology learning area of the Curriculum, and SDG: "Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation". The tamariki have loved exploring their new space which all started with their big ideas and design. A huge paki paki to everyone involved! 

This week we finished off our amazing Sunflower Life Cycle art to understand how plants grow, their parts, and what they need to thrive. Our last process for inquiry is to understand how we can responsibly collect and use water to ensure our butterfly garden flourishes! Next week we will be using our inventor mindsets to develop a pump to move water from a collection point to our garden. 

As the end of the term draws to a close we have a fun week planned in Week 11 and next week will see us testing the tamariki phonological and phonemic awareness to prepare for our literacy delivery in Term 2. Maths will continue as usual where we are continuing to focus on number knowledge, so talk about this at home! 

A reminder to book for your parent/teacher interviews see the details for these in that specific article within this newsletter. These will be held on Wednesday the 13th of April, book a spot to come and share your child's learning achievements, we are so looking forward to having you all in our space!

Recharge over the weekend team, only 2 weeks to go! 


Penny, Juanita, Sophia, Triana, and Sally.