Hero photograph
Photo by Micky Brosnan

Mid-year reporting

Jared Kelly —

On Friday 25 June you will be able to view mid-year reporting comments about your child in Hero and from today you can make a booking for parent and teacher interviews.

When you log in to Hero and read your child’s report this term you will see that each child will have a written comment for Reading, Writing and Maths. The comment will explain your child’s capabilities in each area and have next step goals for future learning. It will also give an indication of the Curriculum level your child is working at.

This is a positive part of our process moving forward and is an interim step towards our new reporting system which will be in effect for the next round of reporting. We are taking the time to ensure the new system is accurate, effective and communicates learning clearly to you.

We will not be writing a general comment as this will be reflected in the Values Goals and the ACT-ive Learner goals on the report. When you see these goals you will notice that they may be in different colours. 

Beige means - ‘I am working on it’; and 

Green means ‘I do this all of the time’. 

These will change from year to year and it will form a base for a good discussion to have at your parent and teacher interviews. If you would like to see all of the goals for Values and ACT - ive Learner you can interact with the App by pushing ‘See goals as a matrix’ when they are released.

We place a lot of importance on our parent - teacher interviews and encourage in-depth discussions about your child’s learning. The reports are a snapshot of current learning so a face-to-face meeting will give you the chance to ask any questions you may have.

This year our parent and teacher interviews are on staff only day - Monday 28 June form 12 noon.  Please use this link to make a booking with your child(rens) home group teacher: https://www.schoolinterviews.co.nz/ the interview code is yasam


If you have more than one child at our school, please leave a gap between interviews so that you don't lose valuable talking time travelling from one interview to the next.