Rachel Kelly — Sep 23, 2021

The final week of term 3!

We were busy in week 9 with geometric art and creating tessellations with paper and also on our ipads. We have been looking at figurative language in poetry and we have written our own poems. 

Keep going with the pizza fundraiser for camp! We have heard of some excellent totals so far. Remember the children can return their slips and money this week to the office or the last day for orders will be the first day back of term 4. 

Thank you to the parents who have filled out the camp permission slips and health forms. Please keep them coming!

Spelling this week - This is a practise week so the children won't be given any new words. The children will have an end of term test on Thursday and this is based on a snap shot of the years words so far. 

Lego League children - I'm still missing some permission slips for our day in the holidays. 

Year 7's have technology on Tuesday. - Please be at school by 8.45am. 

Athletics sports is on Friday! There will be a separate school notice with details around this. 

Farewell and good luck to Nicole Brindston who has been working in Maungatere. We thank you for all of your work and wish you all the very best in your journey into education.