Sally Patterson — Jul 28, 2022

Well, Week 1 has come and gone... we welcomed new tamariki, extended literacy knowledge through rotations, continued our awesome progress with Maths and PE, and revisited who we are as Pekapekatarians!

We warmly welcome Owen Andrews, Amber Wium, Conor Deery, Elena Holden, Josh White, and Xavier Hickman who have officially started transitioning into our space this week. They showed wonderful confidence, eagerness to learn, and enthusiasm as they developed a sense of belonging here at Pegasus Bay School. 

Literacy: We had all of our Term 1 and 2 tamariki start Literacy rotations this week. Our intention with this idea is to extend the tamariki concentration and independence and give the opportunity for independent practise of the skills that are being taught in their Structured Literacy lesson. The tamariki accepted this challenge with confidence as they demonstrated our school value AKO (the ability to learn). We are super proud of our tamariki and are excited about the impact this may have on their progression. 

In our Literacy engagement task, the tamariki conducted a book review on "The Gardeners Maze".  Here they explored the setting, the characters, developed their own maze and developed their own list, like the gardener did in the story. The tamariki loved using descriptive language to describe the characters of the story with a couple of similies being used by the children! 

"He had a long, pointy nose that looked like a Shark fin." Noah
"His hair was short and spikey and grew like grass." Adam

Maths: Maths-No problem! gained momentum this week as the Year 1 tamariki learnt about comparing and ordering numbers. Mrs Wynyard's Year 0 tamariki are learning about Matching, where they are learning to recognise similarities and differences, and using language to support their findings. We love the enthusiasm from the children when we pull out the workbooks! They really take great pride in their books and love to work in these, cementing their mathematical knowledge.

PE: We are revisiting the ball skills we taught in Term 2 by playing some fun ball games using the different balls through rotations. Old school classics have been exposed... Jackpot (with a tennis ball and racket), Force back (rugby balls), Over and Under (Netball) and Whaea Penny courageously attempted a game of soccer in the mud.... We will continue these next week to ensure each child gets to experience these games which have been drawn from our own childhood. 

Inquiry: Before we attempt to learn about Education globally, we are revisiting who we are as students here at Pegasus Bay School. Revisiting the rules determined in our Peka peka Treaty and our school values are our next step and will support our new tamariki to understand why we do things a certain way here. We will also revisit our story "In the beginning" and reflect why this story might have been chosen for our New Entrant space. 


-Please remember drink bottles each day as our drinking fountains are turned off. 

-When transitioning or picking up your child early for appointments please ensure you sign your child in and out at the office. This is to ensure we know who is here and who isn't in case of an emergency. 

-Hot food: In Terms 2 and 3 on Monday-Thursday, we can heat food for your child's kai. Please put the item of food that is to be reheated (not cooked) in tinfoil and ensure it is named into the tray on the bench each day. NB: cheese sticks to tinfoil so please wrap in baking paper first for cheesy items. No hot food on Friday-we want to support the Year 8 Sausage sizzle!

-Disco in Week 2-read the Disco notice for more details! 

-Masks indoors. Please remember to wear masks indoors at all times. Refer to the COVID notice for more information about school expectations.

-Library will be on Mondays. Please ensure library books are in your child's bag each Monday morning please.

-NO Toys NO exception. Please ensure your child is not bringing toys to school. 

-Fridays we do Poetry, so please make sure your child's Poetry book is in their bag. It is the green 1A8 book. 

We hope you have a great weekend. Stay warm, relax and make the most of any sun that may peek through the clouds! 


Penny, Juanita, Sophia, Triana, Heather, and Sally