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STAFF: EOTC update

Rachel Robinson —

Please read this so you know what you need to do

As we continue to align and refine our EOTC activities, our processes are being updated too.  

You can find our school-specific process in our Staff Handbook (in our Staff Only Google Folder).

Here's the first step to follow if you are organising an EOTC activity:

  • Come and talk to me before you do anything else;
  • An EOTC folder will be set up for you with the correct forms you will need for the event.  (Please don't copy and use old forms or permissions - they may be out of date, and you'll then need to re-do and/ or re-send the correct one);
  • If the forms are not completed within the timeline that is set, the event won't be able to go ahead.  

Following the boards review of our EOTC processes towards the end of last year, they have commissioned a review into this year's EOTC activities.  This will be managed by an external provider, and they will be going through our EOTC folders reviewing all of our pre-planning, communication and post-event reviews to ensure we are operating within our school policies and processes.  

Our processes are based on our School Docs policies, which are all signed off by the board.  These policies are what parents refer to if they want to know how we are operating in any area of the school.  

You can read our EOTC policies by logging in to SchoolDocs - the user name and password are both pegasusbay  Type 'EOTC' into the search box, our policies will come up. 

The positive side of this scrutiny on our EOTC processes is that as we become more streamlined and consistent across all events, the planning and communication improve - and as a result, your workload should reduce correspondingly.

As always, any questions - please come and talk to me.

Regards, Rachel